10 Simple & Effective Tips To Master Javascript

Skylar Johnson
8 min readSep 8, 2023


JavaScript is a web programming language developed and used to create interactive web pages. Interactive is a fancy word that boils down to the interaction between the user and the website. This interaction is based on the functionality of the web pages and not on manual intervention.

Suppose you create a website that displays the current score of a football match. Cricket in progress. . . Now a cricket match in Death Overs becomes exciting. As a developer, you can take two approaches. First, it keeps updating the value on the server and the user will update it to reflect the most recent values. Alternatively, you can automatically update the user-side page as you update the value on the server. It goes without saying that the latter is the most popular and effective among users. This is what JavaScript does. JavaScript alleviates user pain and provides an interactive user experience.

Nowadays, there cannot be a website that does not contain JavaScript code. It has become an integral part of a developer’s professional life. In fact, it is increasing day by day. While JavaScript is known to be used in web pages and provide functionality to them, JavaScript is also used in other places that are not part of JavaScript. This can include Node.js, Apache Couch-DB, and Adobe Acrobat.

Most popular browsers today have a built-in JavaScript runtime environment for running JavaScript. If you are a successful web developer, you cannot avoid using JavaScript. Today or tomorrow we have to face it. Why not master JavaScript right from the start and be ready when the time comes? This is what this tutorial offers you. It shows you how to keep up with your fellow web developers and improve your JavaScript.

1. Grasp The Basics More Thoroughly

I’ll start with a very naive concept and statement that you’ve heard since childhood. Learn and practice the basics. It often happens that you apply logic while coding, but forget that there is already a built-in function for this, such as splitting an array. Sometimes an error occurs while executing the JavaScript code, which means that many other features are not working as well.

Even two small periods or quotation marks can be the cause. These things happen due to unclear basic concepts. A simple loop like for or do while is used multiple times in a single program. Loops are fundamental elements in programming. If you don’t know about loops and other basics, it will be very difficult for you to write code and even have a chance to get hired by a company. Improving the basics is very important because it provides a solid foundation for building the complex logic of a solution and a good reputation.

2. Use Functions To Define Different Modules, Even If They Are Small

A functional approach is a great approach to programming. Why? Divide your program into modules that work together but are separate. I would like to use an example to clarify. There is a function to calculate the mean square of numbers. To do this, you need to square the numbers, calculate their mean, and calculate the square root of the mean. This involves three steps. So we can use three functions. But you see, all these functions are interconnected.

The result of one goes to the other and thus we get the final answer. Now suppose that instead of using three functions, you use a single function to calculate the RMS using several variables. As you can see, the final answer is wrong. Now it will be very difficult for you to check where you went wrong in such an important feature. Three small functions, on the other hand, help you do a quick check. Therefore, use functions to define multiple modules of code, even if the functions are small. This trick will work like magic and help you become a JavaScript master.

3. Keep Cross Browser Compatibility In Mind

When working in web development, cross-browser compatibility is the most important issue to consider. In short, cross-browser compatibility refers to how your website displays on different browsers. Not all websites use the same JavaScript code, and different browsers handle JavaScript differently, which leads to browser compatibility issues. These problems are not easy to solve when your website is ready and you don’t check it online. For this, people have followed the complete and traditional method of checking the website one by one on different browsers and versions.

However, this is no longer the case as online browser compatibility testing tools like LambdaTest have eliminated this problem. All you have to do is enter your site name and select the versions, browsers (and operating systems) you want to test your site on. This creates a virtual machine on the LambdaTest servers and you are ready to go. You will receive a detailed report with screenshots and can also run your website as if it were running in the browser.

4. Use Object-Oriented Approach

The object-oriented approach is the most popular programming approach today. Since C++, the object-oriented approach has enjoyed exponential popularity. All major languages ​​today were invented exclusively in object-oriented style. An object-oriented approach is called an object-oriented approach. This is how an object becomes a basic unit. This object is then used as a base and to apply properties and functions to the page.

For example, I create a car object. This item can be packaged in various features such as color, specifications, price, etc. and everything we do is in this object. We can choose a car. Color (“Red”) to change the color of the car to red. We can also change the price per car. Price (“50”). An object is the basis of everything you do in the programming language. Now it is no longer important to create an object and use it. They are used with an object-oriented approach, but it is also possible to take the traditional approach by simply writing top-down code without functions or objects. This is too broad and is never recommended.

As we have seen below, a functional approach. become . When we write code and use functions, we use objects. Therefore, try to convert your complete code to object-oriented code first and always practice writing your code in object-oriented style. If you read other people’s code, you will always find object-oriented approaches. So if you want to master JavaScript, it’s best to start.

5. Perform Testing To Have A Near Perfect Code

This part is just as important as the development part. During development, you never know if your code is wrong. JavaScript is used on a website or to develop a web page. A web page is intended for a user to access your website. For example, a user can enter a lot of information into JavaScript forms.

Of course, as a developer, you won’t waste time checking every possible user input. This is where testing comes in. Testing allows you to find bugs that are unlikely to be checked during development. They are of different types, for example. when a user enters the number in a text field, etc. Testing allows you to write more efficient code and develop a great website. This, in turn, will improve your understanding of product aesthetics and help you stand out and become a master of JavaScript.

6. Error Handling

If you like to code, your code is prone to errors. When working on a large project, mistakes are often common. And they should be. They open up more possibilities that you might not have thought of while coding. However, these errors must be handled properly or else they will interrupt program flow. Now, console.log is a traditional method for logging errors. However, they are long and verbose. To handle errors more efficiently, you can use error objects. An error object looks like this:

const err = new Error(‘Please improve the time complexity of the code’)
console.log(err.message) // please improve your code

This will also allow you to see an error message. You can also use try, catch and finally to apply validations to your code. If an error is detected in the code of the Try block, you can access the Catch block to execute an error code or display a message. Finally, Block executes the code in all cases whether there is an error or not. Here is some sample code:



catch (Exception e)





7. Use Tools According To The Problem

JavaScript is not a new language. He is the same age as me. And when a language survives this long in the highly competitive world of computing, there is something special and powerful about it. When there is something this powerful, web developers often give it more power by creating libraries.

These are very powerful libraries that simplify many things. Although sometimes a library is created for a specific purpose, like Reasonml, which Facebook created for itself. The reason is a version of JavaScript that 52% of developers don’t know! Now, as a developer, you have specific requirements for the project you are working on. This specific requirement can be met by a specific tool. Let’s say you create a website to ship Apple accessories. Your website must provide a smooth user experience across all devices, especially iPhone, iPad, and macOS. But how can you be sure if you don’t have access to them all?

8. Understand DOM

The DOM model or document object is created by a page when it is loaded in the browser. This has several levels which facilitate easy access to the various items. With so many front-end frameworks and the worldwide adoption of jQuery, you might think that understanding the DOM is a bit redundant today. In my opinion, understanding how the DOM works is very important for me to become a JavaScript master.

JavaScript has the power to modify any HTML element. You can change the background color, font and everything in between. Because JavaScript is so powerful and so widely used in HTML, it’s important to know what affects what. As a programmer, you need to understand how changing the child property and parent property simultaneously will affect the overall structure of the page. The DOM is one of the most basic and important things for a JavaScript developer and you need to be an expert in it.

9. Handling Memory Leaks

Memory leaks are a very common problem in a JavaScript environment. A memory leak occurs when you’ve reserved memory but don’t need or aren’t using it. Memory is reserved by variables and objects. This results in a slower runtime and ultimately a slower website. This is not appreciated in the JS community. If you have an edge over all the developers here, then you will be preferred by all. Many reasons can cause memory leaks. These can range from random global variables to timer declarations (setInterval()). You have to keep these things in mind. You can check for memory leaks using your browser’s developer tools and then edit the code. Read our article on how to fix memory leaks in JavaScript.

10. Understand The Code Of Others

No matter how new you are to JavaScript coding, there will always be someone better than you. No matter how good your logic is for a problem, there will always be better logic for the same problem. And accepting that fact shouldn’t be a problem if you’re about to become a JavaScript expert.

Reading other developers’ code is a great way to expand your programming knowledge. . JavaScripts. It would be better to see code for any random problem, but it would be better to see code for a problem you’ve been working on. Work on code that fascinates you to solve like a website. If you like a website and want to know how the developer created it, take a look at the code. There are several solutions to a problem, and it’s best to know them all to learn how to reduce the complexity of your JavaScript code. This makes your site easier to load.



Skylar Johnson
Skylar Johnson

Written by Skylar Johnson

I'm a Web developer who is always looking to learn more and eat too much chocolate. https://www.thetravelocity.com

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