JavaScript Error: IPython Is Not Defined [FIX]

Skylar Johnson
3 min readJul 14, 2023


JavaScript is a widely used programming language that powers the interactivity and functionality of many web applications. However, like any programming language, JavaScript is prone to errors, which can hinder the smooth execution of your code. One common error that developers encounter is the “IPython is not defined” error. In this article, we will explore the causes of this error and provide a step-by-step guide to fix it.

What is IPython?

Before we dive into the error itself, let’s briefly explain what IPython is. IPython is an interactive command-line interface for Python that offers advanced features and capabilities over the standard Python shell. It allows interactive exploration, visualization and integration of data with other programming languages ​​such as JavaScript.

The Error Message: IPython is not defined

When working with JavaScript code, the error message “IPython is not defined” may appear. This error usually occurs when you try to use IPython-specific functions or objects in your JavaScript code without doing the necessary configuration or including the necessary dependencies.

Error causes

The most common cause of error “IPython is not defined” You are trying to use code or libraries related to IPython without actually including them in your project. IPython is not a native JavaScript object or feature, so it must be properly imported or included to be accessible in your code.

Another cause of this error can be an incompatibility between your code and the runtime environment. For example, if you try to use IPython-specific code in a non-Python environment like a web browser, it will fail because the required components are not available.

Fixing the Error

To fix the “IPython is not defined” erro, you can follow these steps:

Check dependencies — Make sure the required dependencies are installed or included in your project. IPython usually requires additional libraries or modules to work properly. Check the official documentation for the library or framework you’re using to see if there are specific instructions for including IPython.

Include IPython libraries: If you are working in a Python environment, ensure that the IPython library is installed. You can install it with pip, the Python package manager, by running the command pip install ipythonfrom your command prompt or terminal.

IPython Import: In your JavaScript code, import the required IPython modules or objects using the appropriate import statements. The exact syntax depends on the framework or library used. For example, if you’re using a package like Webpack, you might need to add an import statement like import IPython from 'ipython';. at the beginning of your JavaScript file.

Check compatibility: Make sure you’re running your code in a compatible environment that supports IPython. IPython is primarily designed for Python-based environments such as Jupyter notebooks or IPython shells. If you use IPython-specific functions in another environment, such as a web browser, you may experience compatibility issues. Consider alternate libraries or approaches if you need to work with specific Python functions in non-Python environments.

Debug: If the error persists after following the steps above, check your code for typos, missing imports, or incorrect use of IPython objects. Please read the relevant documentation and examples to ensure that you are using the correct syntax and methods.


The required IPython is missing or not properly included in your code. If you follow the steps in this article, you should be able to fix the error and continue developing your JavaScript application without any issues. Don’t forget to check your dependencies, include the necessary IPython libraries, and ensure compatibility with your runtime environment. Happy coding!



Skylar Johnson

I'm a Web developer who is always looking to learn more and eat too much chocolate.